And when Judge Matthew Deery today awarded him €11,150 damages against the offending motorist’s insurance company, Martin Mongan took another body blow.
The court heard that Mongan, of Canal Drive, Ballinasloe, Co Galway, had already turned down an award of damages assessed by the Injuries Board at €13,445.
Failing to equal or beat the Injuries Board’s assessment in court carried with it a withering punch with regard to the payment of legal costs.
The €2,295 shortfall put Mongan on the ropes on the question of winning a legal costs order against the motorist who had driven into the back of him, Miroslaw Szulta, of Ridgeway Grove, Swords, Co Dublin, where the accident had taken place.Judge Deery said he would make no order for costs which ko’d any hope Mongan had of taking home any of the €11,150 damages awarded to him by the court.
He is now responsible for his own costs and the legal costs of the defendant which will wipe out all of Judge Deery’s award.
Mongan initially was on a winner against his opposition --- Miroslaw Szulta and his insurance company had conceded liability for the crash because the car in which Mr Mongan was a passenger had been rear ended.
Then Szulta’s insurance company agreed to accept an assessment by the Injuries Board. When Mr Mongan refused to accept that assessment the matter had to go before the court for final determination.
Mongan told the court that prior to the rear-ending on 15th December, 2010 he had been in the running to fight for Galway against Wales and later going on to win an Irish vest.
Instead he said he had to give up boxing because of neck and lower back injuries but continued some training as part of his recovery. He said he had taken up coaching for younger boxers at his Ballinasloe Boxing Club.
Judge Deery said Mr Mongan had to stop boxing at the time and had lost an opportunity to go on and fight for Ireland.